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Centre for International Relations - ZIB Med

Welcome to ZIB Med, the Centre for International Relations of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Cologne!

ZIB Med coordinates the international activities of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Cologne.

Duties of ZIB Med

News and Updates

News and Updates

New international activities of the ZIB Med - cooperations, funding etc. (only in German)
Studies in Cologne (Incomings)

Studies in Cologne (Incomings)

Organisation of study visits and assistance for our guest students
Studies abroad (Outgoings)

Studies abroad (Outgoings)

Organisation and assistance of studies abroad for Cologne medical students
Full-time / regular students

Full-time / regular students

Consultation and assistance for participants of the program “Studienstart International”
Visiting physicians and guest scientists

Visiting physicians and guest scientists

Consultation and assistance for international guest physicians and guest scientists
Partner Universities

Partner Universities

Cooperation with European (Erasmus+) and non-European partner universities