Commission for Quality Improvement in Teaching and Studies
Due to the abolition of tuition fees, the state of North Rhine-Westphalia is providing the University of Cologne with compensatory funds to improve the quality of teaching and studies.
The "Kommission zur Qualitätsverbesserung in Lehre und Studium" (Commission for Quality Improvement in Teaching and Studies) advises on the unrestricted funds available to the Medical Faculty. The majority of the members of this commission are student representatives.
The next meeting is scheduled for 08.05.2019.
Applications must be submitted by 24.04.2019 in the form of PDF files.
Bitte nutzen Sie zur Antragsstellung ausschließlich das auf der rechten Seite zum Download angebotene Antragsformular. Der Antrag sollte in einer PDF-Datei zusammengefasst sein, die nicht größer als 5MB ist.
Die Einreichung erfolgt per E-Mail an:
Die nächste Sitzung findet am 18.03.2025 statt. Fristende für die Antragseinreichung: 03.03.2025.
Folgeanträge können nur mit besonderer Begründung unter Berücksichtigung der Nachhaltigkeit genehmigt werden.
[This content is not available in "Englisch" yet]
Gruppe der Professoren und Professorinnen:
- Univ.-Prof. Dr. G. Fätkenheuer (Vorsitz)
- Univ.-Prof. Dr. B. Braumann
- Frau Univ.-Prof. Dr. F. Pröls
Gruppe der Wiss. Mitarbeiter/-innen:
- Dr. Bodo Beck
Stellvertr.: Dr. Peter Knöll
- Priv.-Doz. Dr. M. Wicht
Stellvertr.: Dr. Axel Schulz
Gruppe der Studierenden:
- Nam Gyu Im
Stellvertr.: Moritz Lentzkow
- Ferdinand Timmermann
Stellvertr.: Konstantin Schifferdecker
- Lukas Weber Czekalla
Stellvertr.: Georg Faerber
- Inga Spanuth
Stellvertr.: Luzie Badde
- Michel Betzler
Stellvertr.: Carla Epping
- Reem Quis
Stellvertr.: Tim Justin Rabe
- Univ.-Prof. Dr. M. Rothschild (Studiendekan), Herr F. Jäger (Leiter der DFS-Verwaltung)
Advisory board e-Learning
Chairman: Professor Dr. Tim Hucho
Members of the Advisory Board: PD Dr. Andrea Wevers, Dr. med. Robert Kleinert, Dr. med. Peter Knöll, Dipl.-Reg.-Wiss. Birger Reiß, Maria Ziogas, Jonas Günther, Moritz Lentzkow, Ferdinand Timmermann
The aim of the E-Learning Advisory Board is to promote and strengthen e-learning as a complementary and deepening pillar of teaching at the Faculty of Medicine.
Call for proposals: E-learning projects at the Faculty of Medicine
The E-Learning Advisory Board invites tenders for e-learning projects at the Faculty of Medicine. The aim is to promote e-learning at the Medical Faculty and to strengthen it as a complementary and deepening pillar of teaching.
As a rule, the projects should not exceed a budget of 15000 Euro per year. Applications can be submitted for up to 2 years, but then require an interim report after the 1st year and should not exceed a total of 30,000 EUR. A transparent own contribution is expressly desired. Basic equipment cannot be applied for. Interdisciplinary applications are expressly welcome.
Applications should not exceed a length of 5 pages (line spacing 1.5, font size minimum 10). Applications should be sent by XXX to the Chairman of the E-Learning Advisory Board, Prof. Dr. Tim Hucho.
The following criteria will be used for the evaluation of the proposals:
1. implementations in already existing systems.
2. didactic quality of the applications.
3.the innovation content of the applications.
4.the relevance of the projects for examinations, exams and everyday medical life.
5.ideas for the maintenance, care and sustainability of the teaching concept of the project.
6) Obligation of the developers not to use this application for commercial purposes and to assign any potential use to the faculty. A license for use for other facilities can later be purchased from the University of Cologne. The authors/lecturers receive a free license for the non-commercial personal use of the learning program they have created. Furthermore, the authors/lecturers receive permission to continue working with the program at other university locations without licence fees from the University of Cologne.
7 Free access for all students of the Medical Faculty of the University of Cologne, e.g. via a VPN client.
The applications follow the guidelines of the Quality Improvement Commission, but must only be submitted to the chairperson as a *.pdf file with a digital signature".
Frühere Förderungsprojekte aus Studienbeiträgen
- Studierendenhaus
- Andere Veranstaltungen
- Deutsche Zentralbibliothek für Medizin - ZBMed
- Hals-Nasen-Ohrenheilkunde
- Zentrum Anatomie:
Anschaffungen & zusätzlicher Unterricht - Kölner Interprofessionelles Skills Lab und Simulationszentrum (KISS); zusätzliche Modelle und Ausbau CCC
- Studium der Zahnmedizin
- Zusätzliches Personal Zentrum für Qualität der Lehre - Studiendekanat
- Zusätzliches Personal und zusätzliche Ausgaben Zentrum für Internationale Beziehungen - ZIB Med