The transfer of scientific knowledge and translational research play a decisive role in transferring research into socially relevant areas of application. In cooperation with the University of Cologne, the Faculty of Medicine has created programs that are available to all faculty members.
Together with the University Hospital of Cologne, the Faculty of Medicine generates a large number of research results in all areas. This results in a wide range of opportunities to transfer findings, new methods and technologies towards practical application and use outside of science, thus creating genuine innovation. The overarching goal of innovation transfer at the Faculty of Medicine and the University Hospital is to make research results from the laboratory directly usable in order to develop new ways of diagnosing and treating patients. Innovation development is actively supported by the Research Promotion and Transfer Department in the Medical Dean's Office. Advice on topics relating to intellectual property, inventions and patents, services relating to the acquisition of application-oriented funding, the preparation and handling of collaborations with industry, licensing and close integration with the ESC Gateway start-up center are our main areas of focus.
Important information for researchers
Intellectual Property or IP
Intellectual property covers various areas and refers to intellectual creations such as inventions and resulting patents, literary and artistic works, designs and symbols, names and images used in commerce. The term intellectual property or IP also refers to all non-patentable materials, software, databases and know-how.
Members of the Faculty of Medicine and the University Hospital are actively encouraged to check their research for intellectual property (IP) with transfer potential. The Transfer Department accepts invention disclosures, registers IP rights for the University of Cologne and handles the administration and exploitation of protected inventions. The Employee Inventions Act (ArbNErfG) regulates the relationship between inventor and employer. The majority of IP is used in the form of patents/licenses; start-ups from the Faculty of Medicine and the University Hospital are supported within the Gateway Excellence Start-up Center.
Invention disclosure
If you have made an invention, please submit a completed invention disclosure form to the Transfer Department as soon as possible. You will find the relevant form in English on this page in the download area. We will be happy to assist you if you have any questions about the form.
The submitted invention disclosure will be formally checked, any queries will be clarified with you and an assessment of patentability and usability will be carried out - usually with the help of an external partner such as PROvendis GmbH in Mülheim an der Ruhr.
After the evaluation, the Faculty of Medicine, as your employer, decides whether to "claim" the invention or to "release" it for you to apply for industrial property rights on your own account.
Patent application
If the University of Cologne accepts your invention and there are no conflicting contractual obligations, an application for industrial property rights will be made.
The Faculty of Medicine supports its employees in realizing their research results and inventions and/or becoming self-employed with the knowledge and technologies developed at the university. We will be happy to assist you in your search for commercialization opportunities and partners. For this purpose, the University of Cologne also works together with external partners such as PROVendis GmbH in Mülheim an der Ruhr.
The Transfer Department offers competent advice and support together with the Gateway Excellence Start-up Center oft he University of Cologne, which is available to answer any questions you may have about setting up a company.
Payment according to the Employee Invention Act
According to the Employee Inventions Act (§ 42), inventors from universities receive a payment of 30% of the income generated by the realization. The payment will be assigned to you by the Dean's Office after receiving the money.
Transfer Department
Contact persons for the Faculty of Medicine and the University Hospital for all questions relating to IP and innovation development as well as rights of use to IP at the University of Cologne can be found in the Transfer Department in the Medical Dean's Office.
You can contact us via the following e-mail addresses:
Contact & further information
Transferberatung der Fakultät I Transferscout
Forschungsmanagement der Universität - Dezernat 7
Gateway Gründungsservice
Transfer-Beirat der Medizinischen Fakultät
Forms & Leaflets