Dentistry at the University of Cologne
With the recent reconstruction of the dental clinic in 2011, Cologne evolved into one of the most modern study locations for dentistry in Germany. Spacious laboratories and phantom areas as well as state-of-the-art treatment units create the best possible conditions for modern training. In addition to the main teaching areas required by the Dental Licensing Boards, proper consideration to the longitudinal curriculum of social and communicative competence (LSK-Dent) were given with the main focuses:
- Improvement of verbal and non-verbal doctor-patient communication
- Professional management of diversity-sensitive communication
- Treatment of patients in a respectful manner
- Age-dependent patient motivation and treatment planning
- Establishment of ethical principles in dental education (code of ethics, CED)
The interdisciplinary design of the dental pre-clinic stage provides a complex overview of the dental profession and enables students to review their choice of profession as early as the first semester.
After the unification of various polyclinics, interdisciplinary patient treatment in the clinical dental courses will intensify the comparison of disciplinary-specific treatment concepts and develop a long-term commitment of patients through continuous care.