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Childcare services at the University Hospital Cologne


Opening hours



Admission requirements


UK company daycare center

Mondays - Fridays

6.45-17.00 hrs

(open during the vacations)

4 months - 6 years


At least one person with parental authority must be employed at the University Hospital of Cologne


Further criteria:

1. single parent - 3 points

2. sibling(s) (if one or more siblings are cared for in the daycare center, for the status of the sibling) - 2 points

3. twins (per child) - 1 point

4. both parents employed at the UK - 1 point

5. shortage occupation - 1 point

6. female executives - 1 point

For contact details, please visit the following link from the intranet:

Spielland LFI

Mondays - Fridays

9.00-17.00 hrs

Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays

10.00-18.00 hrs


supervision up to 3 hours

2 years - 9 years


Children of:

1. outpatients and inpatients

2. all visitors

3. employees

4. employees and visitors of the Unireha

5. students of the University of Cologne


Large day care Med. I

Mondays - Fridays

1st group 8.00-16.00 hrs

2nd group 8.00-14.00 hrs

6 months - 3 years


Employees have priority

Nicole Jörns,


Phone: 0221 478 88834

Vacation care for children of employees of the University Hospital of Cologne

Employees of the University Hospital Cologne and the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Cologne have the opportunity to register their children for vacation care weeks during the Easter and autumn vacations.  With the "ZAK Zirkus- und Artistikzentrum Köln" ("Circus and Artistic Center Cologne") and the association "Querwaldein e. V." ("Crossforest"), educationally qualified institutions have been won for the implementation of the vacation care measure.

Further information will be available here shortly!



Childcare services at the university

Daycare center of the University of Cologne Paramecium

The University of Cologne runs the university's own children's home in Weyertal.

Since fall 2011, around 80 children from 4 months to school age have been looked after here by academics, staff and students.

All places are offered as full-day places.

More information on the educational concept and the history of the project can be found on the website of the children's home.

Back-up childcare

The back-up care is for children of university members with short-term childcare bottlenecks (exams, services, etc.) and takes place on campus, in the rooms of the Kinderhaus.


Bookings and cancelations are flexible up to 24 hours before the childcare date.

Childcare is available from 2-8 hours per day, but for a maximum of 15 hours per week.

Opening hours: Monday-Thursday 8:00-19:00 hours

Contact person: Frederike Öhmann, 0221 / 470 2147,

Further information and registration forms can be found here.

Childcare at the UK, the University of Cologne and near the university

The Dual Career & Family Support Center has compiled a list of childcare options at the UK, the University of Cologne and in the vicinity of the university. Please follow the link.

There is also general information about childcare in Cologne on the CFS homepage.

Vacation care

There is also information on vacation care on the Dual Career & Family Support Center homepage.

Consulting services

Family Support - Children

Family Support offers advice and creates framework conditions and services to enable university members from academia and administration to successfully balance family and career.

On our website, we present the services offered by the University of Cologne for parents and give you information on where you can obtain further information.

We offer confidential and personal advice (also in English) to academic and non-academic members of the university. Arrange a consultation appointment by telephone or e-mail (please send the preliminary questionnaire on the right under Downloads to Family Support before your personal consultation appointment).

Dual Career & Family Support is networked with regional and national institutions and organizations that are committed to a family-friendly working environment. It represents the University of Cologne in the corporate network Erfolgsfaktor Familie ("Success factor family"), in the Hochschulnetzwerk für Familie NRW (HNF) as well as in the Kölner Bündnis für Familien ("Cologne Alliance for Families") and is involved in the AG Studieren mit Kind ("WG Studying with a child") (University of Cologne).

Contact point for child day care in Cologne

On behalf of the City of Cologne, the Cologne Child Day Care Contact Point is the central point of contact for all questions relating to child day care in Cologne. It works closely with the Youth Welfare Office of the City of Cologne. Comprehensive advice, placement and networking services are offered for parents and childminders. Companies that would like to offer their employees flexible childcare solutions can also obtain advice.

Click here to go to the homepage of the Child Day Care Office Cologne.