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Web editorial office

The web editorial team oversees the development and design of the medical faculty's website. In particular, we advertise new events, publish current press releases and help the vice-deaneries to add information as well as the institutes to build up their online presence. This is done using the content management system "Typo 3" of the University of Cologne. The individual departments (institutes, vice-deaneries, etc.) are responsible for the topicality and correctness of the information.

For all editors, a workshop is offered every six months, which teaches the most important practical skills.

If you have any requests for changes to existing web pages or would like to set up a new page, please contact us by e-mail( Please follow the instructions for creating a ticket in order to ensure that your request is processed quickly.

in German language per Zoom

Next Webinar: Nächstes Webinar am Mittwoch, 21.2.2024 I 10.00 Uhr

Frequently asked questions

In General - Here you find useful tipps in German language

Only in German language available

About Typo3

Only in German language available

Pictures and Files

This content is only available in German language

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