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Medical report

Before you may begin your clinical clerkship that involves contact to patients, a medical report is obligatory, which certifies that you have been vaccinated at least against hepatitis b, measles, and SARS CoV-2 . Furthermore, it has to be certified by a doctor that you are physically and mentally healthy and that you do not have any infectious diseases (e.g. tuberculosis etc.).

Please use preferably the form we provided. Also an adequate certification by your doctor is sufficient and accepted in German or English.

As a general rule, the more vaccination records you have of our health questionnaire, the better or faster we can place an internship for you. You do not have to submit ALL records directly at the beginning or when submitting the application. Especially the proof that you do not have tuberculosis only makes sense if it is not older than three months. Also, a radiograph of your thorax would be conceivable as evidence, but we do not want you to make one just for your application. Please discuss this in detail with our company doctor.