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Famulaturen (clinical traineeship)

The Famulatur is a clinical traineeship in which medical students (not last year students!) are supposed to gain practical experience in the hospital during their studies.

Exchange students who come to us for a study visit can complete clinical traineeships in the University Hospital or its teaching hospitals during their free time. However, please wait until you receive your final course timetable - this is only fixed shortly before the start of lectures.


What are my duties as a clinical trainee?

During the clinical traineeship, the student works exclusively in the clinic. The working hours are similar to those of students in the PJ or assistant doctors (usually 8 hours per day, deviations are possible). Tasks performed by the student are at the discretion of the referring medical staff, but usually include, for example, taking blood samples, intravenous access ("viggos"), admission interviews, clinical examinations and work on the ward.


How do I organise a clinical traineeship?

You look for a hospital department in which you would like to do a clinical traineeship.

You write an email to the responsible person (secretary's office, teaching coordinator) with a short introduction, curriculum vitae and certificate of enrolment from the University of Cologne (can be downloaded from KLIPS).

Reviews: Famulatur-Berichte: Koeln, Deutschland |

Please also feel free to contact your Cologne Student Buddy if you have any questions.


Organisational matters:

  • At least 2 weeks (sometimes even 4 weeks) must be completed per department - shorter periods are not possible.
  • For the clinics of gynaecology, paediatrics and neurology very good German language skills of level B2 are required, for psychiatry C1.
  • There is no remuneration.
  • If you need grades for the clinical elective, please inform the responsible medical staff in advance as Cologne students do not receive grades.
  • 1 week of clinical traineeship = 2 ECTS.
  • Form „Famulaturzeugnis“. After the end of the clinical traineeship, please submit it to ZIB Med so that it can be included in your ToR.
  • In case of illness etc. please inform the hospital department in good time!

Famulaturen are only possible if there are sufficient capacities available in the clinics.

There is therefore no guarantee of a place!