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EUniWell Workshop: How does well-being relate to my subject and research context?

Thursday, 26 April 2022, 13:00 - 16:00 (CEST)

On behalf of Prof. Dr. Beatrix Busse, we kindly invite you to the following workshop:

"EUniWhat? EUniWell! How does well-being relate to my subject and research context?"
Thursday, 26 April 2022, 13:00 - 16:00 (CEST).

To register, please send an email to: euniwell-events@verw.uni-koeln.de by Thursday, 21 April!

A new edition due to great demand! In this workshop in the series "EUniWhat? EUniWell!", the Cologne team of the European University for Well-Being will work with you to explore how well-being is seen within different disciplinary and research contexts. Do you already know everything about EUniWell? Have you been active for EUniWell or have you always asked yourself: EUniWhat? What does this have to do with me? Join us to explore the topic of well-being in our workshop.

You will gain an insight into the work of EUniWell and contribute your knowledge of well-being and your perspective. Let's refine our understanding of well-being together and find out if and how we can integrate your topics in the consortium of the European University for Well-Being. This workshop is primarily aimed at academic staff and researchers at the University of Cologne. Interested students of the University of Cologne are welcome to contact us and will be considered if there are sufficient spaces available.

The workshop will be held in English. Further information on


The EUniWell team at the University of Cologne is looking forward to the mutual exchange!

Contact for questions: Leonie Tillmanns (l.tillmannsSpamProtectionuni-koeln.de)