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GAMMA Lunch Time Webinar: Lets Talk about Sex and Gender in Health Research (in english)

Speaker: Dr. Laura Wortmann (AG Geschlechtsspezifische Medizin, Faculty of Medicine OWL - University Bielefeld)

Talk (40 Min.): Lets Talk about Sex and Gender in Health Research     
Speaker: Dr. Laura Wortmann (AG Geschlechtsspezifische Medizin, Faculty of Medicine OWL - University Bielefeld)

Laura Wortmann´s talk will be introduced and rounded off with two flash talks
Short Talks (5 Min.): Implementing Gender Aspects in Research at the UoC - a BMBF-funded Project presented by Dr. Lisa Krall (UoC IMPACT, Center for Gender Studies, UoC)
Short Talks (5 Min.): The Working Group “Sex, Gender and Diversity in Medical Research presented by Dr. Vanessa Romotzky (Working Group and Vice Dean´s Office for Academic Development and Equal Opportunities, Faculty of Medicine) 

Der Zoom-Link:

Wir möchten bereits an dieser Stelle den Referentinnen und Referenten für ihr Engagement danken, im Rahmen unserer Lunch-Time-Webinar-Reihe einen Vortrag zu halten.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank our speakers for their engagement to give a seminar as part of our lunchtime webinar series.

Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Teilnahme an den kommenden GAMMA-LUNCH TIME WEBINAREN 2025.
We are looking forward to your participation in the upcoming GAMMA-LUNCH TIME WEBINARS 2025.

Herzliche Grüße
Kind regards

Debora Grosskopf-Kroiher - Utako Barnikol (AG Ärztliche Ethik)

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