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Funding Opportunities for Innovative Health Solutions: EIT Health

1 July 2024, 12pm – 3 pm, CECAD Lecture Hall (ground floor)

The European Institute of Innovation & Technology (EIT) promotes innovation and entrepreneurship throughout Europe. Since 2014, the network is active in the field of health. EIT Health is currently working with around 150 partners from 14 countries to find solutions to the major challenges facing the healthcare sector today. Leading companies, public institutions and renowned universities and research institutes are working together. Through the associated membership of the University of Cologne, all researchers in the field of Health are eligible to apply for funding and participate in EIT Health programs. We are pleased to welcome the EIT Health Team in Cologne to introduce the (funding) opportunities within EIT Health. During the networking session there will be the opportunity to arrange one-to-one meetings (15 minutes each) to discuss individual funding opportunities.

Target group: Academics, Multiplicators and Coordinators affiliated to the University of Cologne

Host: Research Funding Support, Dean’s Office/ Vice Dean's Office of Science & CECAD

Speaker:  Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Jürgen Schüttler, Chairman of the Board at EIT Health CLC Germany and Medical Valley, former Head of the Department of Anaesthesiology at Erlangen University Hospital, Dr. Kurt Höller, Managing Director, EIT Health CLC Germany-Switzerland, Regina Bach, Collaboration Lead EIT Health CLC Germany-Switzerland


12:00 pm          Welcome

12:10 pm          Overview of Activities and Programs

12:40 pm          Innovation and start-up activities

1:10 pm            Networking and one-to-one Meetings

3:00 pm            End

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