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Research Focus Area


The Research Focus Area Neuromodulation is dedicated to the research and development of innovative preventive and therapeutic approaches for neurological and psychiatric diseases.

By analysing pathological changes at the level of synapses, neurons and neuronal networks, a holistic understanding of these diseases is to be achieved. Through investigations at molecular and systems level, treatments are to be tailored to individual clinical phenotypes and genetic profiles in order to advance personalised medicine.
Research at the Focus Area Neuromodulation targets a spectrum of pathological conditions, including neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson's and Alzheimer's, brain tumours, stroke, psychiatric disorders such as depression and psychosis, and neurological disorders in children such as ADHD and autism. Another focus is the investigation of specific functions of the central nervous system such as cognition, language and post-traumatic sensory recovery.
The methods used cover various areas. At the cellular level, state-of-the-art techniques such as high-content imaging microscopy and optogenetics provide insights into neuronal function. For preclinical research, various animal models ranging from transgenic rodents to experimental stroke models are available, and appropriate techniques for in-depth characterisation of pathological conditions are established, including methods for behavioural assessment and preclinical imaging. For human medical/clinical research, state-of-the-art multimodal brain imaging techniques such as MRI and PET provide valuable insights, and non-invasive neuromodulation techniques such as TMS and tDCS are available for the investigation of novel therapeutic interventions.
In addition, the Research Focus Area Neuromodulation conducts intraoperative electrophysiological studies using surface EEG analysis on patients, which provide important data for treatment optimisation. Predictive modelling and clinical studies as well as digital health initiatives round off the research portfolio and ensure a comprehensive approach to understanding and treating neurological and psychiatric disorders.
By combining different methods, the Research Focus Area Neuromodulation seeks to unravel how the brain works, paving the way for more effective treatments to ultimately improve the lives of those affected by these serious diseases.