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The Faculty of Medicine's Neuro-MRI core facility supports scientists, particularly in the fields of neurology and psychiatry, with state-of-the-art human brain imaging hardware and sequences. With the new MAGNETOM Prisma from Siemens, a 3T platform was installed in January 2024 that supports demanding research projects.

The CCF Neuro-MRI is equipped with a state-of-the-art Siemens 3T MAGNETOM Prisma, including MR-compatible equipment for visual stimulus presentation for neurological and psychiatric research. This setup enables fast and high-resolution functional imaging of the brain, as well as diffusion-weighted MRI for the reconstruction of nerve fibers. This is used for the investigation of subtle changes (e.g., plasticity after pharmacological intervention) or changes in deep (subcortical) brain structures.

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    The image shows a view of the technical room featuring the 3T MRI MAGNETOM. © Klaus Schmidt – MedizinFotoKöln
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    The team of the CCF Neuro-MRI: PD Dr. Markus Aswendt, Neuroscientist, Head of the facility. Stefanie Berger, MR physicist, Patrick Weyer, medical technologist in radiology and study sssistant, Martina Franz, Medical assistant and study assistant. © Klaus Schmidt – MedizinFotoKöln
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    The focus group of the CCF Neuro-MRI: Prof. Dr. Marc Tittgemeyer, Max Planck Institute of Metabolism Research, Cologne, Prof. Dr. Lukas J. Volz, Department of Neurology, University Hospital Cologne, Prof. Dr. Joseph Kambeitz, Department of Psychiatry, University Hospital Cologne. © Klaus Schmidt – MedizinFotoKöln

Organisation Neuro-MRI

Technology & Support Neuro-MRI


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