Information on the enrolment of doctoral students at the Faculty of Medicine of the UoC
You must be enrolled for the entire duration of the doctoral project (start of the project to oral examination).
Doctoral students who have completed their studies must register as doctoral students for this purpose
To enroll as a doctoral student, you need a doctoral confirmation. You will receive the doctoral confirmation from the doctoral office after they have confirmed your admission as a doctoral candidate. For admission as a doctoral candidate, you must register your project in Docfile and you will need a completed exposé + form. You can then use the doctoral confirmation and the other enrollment documents (see link above) to enroll at the Registrar's Office. Please note: after logging in, go to Applications-> Register application-> Doctorate single degree program in Human Medicine-> and complete the application online.
External doctoral candidates who have not completed their studies must register as a small secondary student (please note the deadlines for your application SS 15.03. - 15.05. and WS 15.09. - 15.11. - these are cut-off deadlines).
To enroll as a minor secondary student, you will need a doctoral confirmation. You will receive the doctoral confirmation from the doctoral office after they have confirmed your admission. For admission as a doctoral candidate, you must register your project in Docfile and you will need a completed exposé + form. You can then enroll at the Registrar's Office with your doctoral confirmation and the other enrollment documents (see link above).
Enrollment takes place via the Registrar's Office of the University of Cologne. Instead of the small Zweithörer*innenschein, please upload the doctoral confirmation in KLIPS. You can obtain an overview of the application and enrollment procedure from the Registrar's Office.
Please note that the application for a doctoral degree program or the small secondary auditor's certificate must be submitted via KLIPS 2.0( You must register here and enter the personal data required for an application.