Choice of subjects
The University of Cologne divides the final year of clinical training into three periods (PJ-Tertiale). Students from universities in other countries do not have to adhere to these periods.
If you will be doing your final year of clinical training (PJ) or a short-term clinical traineeship (Famulatur) here in Cologne you are free to choose the time period as well as the departments (depending on capacities in the clinics).
ZIB Med only organises stays of 4 weeks or more!
- Anaesthesiology
- Ophthalmology
- Surgery
- General and Visceral surgery
- Cardiothoracic surgery
- Vascular surgery
- Neurosurgery
- Trauma surgery
- Oral and maxillofacial surgery
- Dermatology and venereology (organisation rather difficult)
- Gynaecology and obstetrics
- Ear, nose and throat medicine
- Internal medicine
- General Internal medicine
- Gastroenterology
- Nephrology (organisation rather difficult)
- Haematology/Oncology
- Cardiology
- Pneumology
- Infectiology (organisation rather difficult)
- Rheumatology (organisation rather difficult)
- Paediatrics
- Paediatrics (organisation rather difficult)
- Paediatric surgery (organisation rather difficult)
- Neurology
- Emergency Medicine
- Orthopaedics
- Pathology
- Psychiatry and Psychotherapy (organisation rather difficult)
- Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy
- Radiology
- Radiooncology / Radiotherapy
- Urology